About this blog

30 June 2014

We created this blog using a Composite C1 package called "Composite.Community.Blog".

To edit the blog posts as well as customize the blog itself, you should log into the C1 Console.

We added the blog on a page - no surprise here :) - "Blog". This is where you can add your own posts and customize the way they look.

Adding your blog posts 

To add your own blog posts or edit the existing ones:

  1. Log into the C1 Console.
  2. In the Content perspective, expand "Websites" / "The Composite C1 Demo Company" / "Blog".
  3. Select "Blog Entries" and click "Add Blog Entry" on the tool bar.
  4. Fill out the fields and write the content.
  5. Save and publish the post.

Customizing the blog 

To present both a list of blog posts and an individual post, the Blog package uses the "Composite.Community.Blog.BlogRenderer" function.

To customize the way the blog looks and behaves, set one or more parameters of this function.

To set the function's parameters.

  1. Edit the "Blog" page.
  2. Double-click the "Composite.Community.Blog.BlogRenderer" function.
  3. Select parameters you need and set their values.
  4. Once done, click OK in the Function Properties window.
  5. Save and publish the page.

For more information about using and customizing the blog, please read the Blog package documentation.